Monday, 22 May 2017

Below are the following things you should know.

By now you've made a fortune and are thinking of buying an apartment or land in Greece which you've fallen in love with. Your fiance or wife is thrilled with the idea and even King Cobra and Arnold have made friends. What now? Looking for something to buy is much the same as looking to rent; however there are many more pitfalls and quite serious ones if you're not careful. 
By law, Anyone of any nationality can by property in Greece providing it's not on any insensitive areas, as the Greek govt. refers to them. For EU citizens this does not apply but for the rest of the world these areas are: eastern Aegean, Dodecanese islands, northern Greece, Crete, Rhodes, and Dorian's home in Athens. Of course these restrictions are old and take it all with a grain of sea salt. 

Notice that these areas are bordering Greece's mortal enemies: the Albanians, communists, and Tito's malevolent empire. No one has taken these laws off the books mainly because the govt. can't afford to hire anyone to find them. One has to slither through dusty, yellow old books in some forgotten cellar of some ministry. Now here's a job for our old friend King Cobra.

Ourhouse is a very very very fine house

With paperwork so grand  
And taxmen on our landÖÖ..