Sunday, 21 May 2017

Beauty VS Content

I don't think that beauty and content are mutually exclusive but does one need to balance the two; as one attempts to make something more aesthetically pleasing does it distract from the content? As one focuses more on one, do they have to focus less on the other? Does beauty become a facade to obscure substance? Does aesthetic value relate to how engaging something is? I don't want to create a post entirely of questions but I am finding the situation of super-produced art (as in examples seen during Documenta14) feeling like a theatrical production where image is the only goal and anything behind that feels like a lie. Beauty becomes misdirection, drawing one's attention away from meaning. I feel like this relates to the larger problem in the contemporary art world, now more than ever but certainly a growing problem in the past 2 or 3 decades, where celebrity and appearance is more valuable than what actually is, because that is what the market dictates.