Friday 24 February 2017

Aperitif thoughts

In the very center tags, texts, Hope for nothing, Error 404: Hope not found, Papers for everyone very first second, Welcome refugees united we stand, Police state = Fascist regime

Cats, dogs, ruins on the spotlight, empty spaces, quick changes in atmosphere, every day life, South with S

Mixture of people, structural elements, feelings, smells 

Night, groups of people, tense atmosphere or just a reflection based on the pre-reader?

Daytime, sunny, bohemian, creative, megaphones, functional fountains

Notions: twixt: shortened version of betwixt, which means in between, neither the one not the other; Disguised: looks something, is something different, utopia, politics and political, roundtable, outcome orientated, involvement, together, individualisation, educational tool, propaganda, commodity

Actions: experimenting stereotypes, making contemporary art meaningful and establishing it, thinking about the next step, not further, to raise questions, to manifest contradictories, to escape

Questions: Artistic research/scientific research – different moral codes? How does the legal form of the intervention affect the funding; interdisciplinary attitude, not just art/ science but art/non-art, does art exist without other fields? Why should people be interested in art? How to make them interested in art? Is it possible to create an art scene by mixing up art theory students with art students? What does responsibility refer to? Taking a lead? Supervising? Legal responsibility? Relation between space and what happens around it? What art can do? When idealism becomes an obligation? Do you have to be outsider to be objective? Can you kill history?

Structural elements or dimensions: vertical/horizontal, top down/bottom-up, private/public structures, “heart structure”, core, insider/outsider, structures in response to landscape, “if you are not out, you are locked in”