Saturday 25 February 2017


Plants and objects. Writings on the walls. 
Ceilings, floors. 

It can be hard to describe meetings with people using photographs, in a city like Athens, in the middle of a myth, when he drops laughter in plants grown through pavements. And that smile, black hair. The struggle the glory, irony, bitter, real, alive, 
And a faint taste of blood in the mouth, like when you lick a zink coated metal found in the cheese pie.
Sweat and moist.

People meet  every day and become part of a narrative common or intertwined like veins in a pumping muscle.
A muscle of collective memory - 
Art as a muscular memory   
Art allow the magicz
// the spherical real
which is curios and strange.  When people laugh, sing, eat and wonder, for example,
When they occupy theaters 
When they transform old 50’ties clubs 
Into performance biennales 
When we work bar jobs /call centers 
In order to pay for the gaffe tape
Needed for rigging the cable for the soundsystem
At a free space volunteer based festival.
and invite refugees into the home.